frequently asked questions
Each participant will be involved in the study for a little over 12 months. The assessments (at the start, at 6 months and at 12 months) will take about 2 hours. You will need to allocate a bit of time each month to complete and submit the falls calendar.
If you are in the intervention group you will receive 10 home visits and two phone calls from our trial therapists over six months. You will need to be available on an approximately weekly basis during that time period.
There is no cost involved with being part of the trial. The assessors and interventionists will come and visit you in your own home and all assessments and therapy costs are covered by the research.
If you are in the home-based tailored exercise group you may develop minor muscle soreness. It is normal to feel some muscle soreness from training.
There is a small risk of injury during tests and exercise training sessions. However, this is very rare during the kind of testing involved in this study.
You will be closely supervised by a trained health professional during all tests and on a number of occasions at home.
Participation in this research is completely voluntary. You don’t have to take part if you don’t wish to.
Participation in the study is voluntary and you are free to withdraw.
If you have started in the research and change your mind about being part of it, please contact the study coordinators on fast.study@sydney.edu.au or call on (02) 9351 9989. We will be able to discuss with you the requirements related to withdrawing from the study.
Your decision to withdraw from the study will not affect your relationship with the Universities involved in the study nor with your health care providers.
All participants in the study are allocated to either the control group or the intervention group and each group is made up of similar people. We don’t know if the FAST intervention works with people who have had a stroke so it is important that it is tested and that we can compare results against people who have not received the tailored program.
The priority of the FAST study is to ensure the home–based assessment and intervention is safe for you and for our staff. All staff involved in the FAST study have been trained in COVIDsafe protocols. The FAST study protocols have been reviewed and approved by the Universities conducting the research. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact the study team on (02) 9351 9989 or fast.study@sydney.edu.au